- if - else-if - else statement:
#import < Foundation/Foundation.h> int main(int argc, const char * argv[]){ NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; NSString *output = @"\n\n"; [output autorelease]; if ( 3 > 5) { NSLog(@”3 is larger than 5”); } else if (4 > 5) { NSLog(@”4 is larger than 5”); } else if (5 > 5) { NSLog(@”5 is larger than 5”); } else if (6 > 5) { NSLog(@”6 is larger than 5”); } else { NSLog(@”None of the above can be accepted”); } output = [output stringByAppendingString: @"\n\n"]; NSLog(output); [pool drain]; return 0; } |
- switch ... case ... break ... default statement:
switch (6) { case 3: System.out.println("選擇是3..."); NSLog(@”cute3”); break; case 4: System.out.println("選擇是4..."); NSLog(@”cute4”); break; case 5: System.out.println("選擇是3..."); NSLog(@”cute5”); break; case 6: System.out.println("選擇是6..."); NSLog(@”cute6”); break; default: System.out.println("以上沒有符合的條件:"); NSLog(@”None cute”); default; |
- If no break within default, the logic inside default will be executed everytime.
#import <Foundtation/Foundation.h>int main (int argc, const char * argv[]){ NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; NSString *output = @”\n\n”; [output autorelease]; switch (6) { case 3: output = [output stringByAppendingString: @”Choice is 3...”]; break; case 4: output = [output stringByAppendingString: @”Choice is 4...”]; break; case 5: output = [output stringByAppendingString: @”Choice is 5...”]; break; case 6: output = [output stringByAppendingString: @”Choice is 6...”]; break; default: output = [output stringByAppendingString: @”Choice is default”]; } output = [output stringByAppendingString: @”\n\n”]; NSLog(output); [pool drain]; return 0; } |
- while loop:
- Control variable i has to be defined before while loop.
int i = 10; while (i>0){ System.out.println(i); NSLog(i); i--; } |
- for loop:
for (int i = 0; i > 0 ; i --){ output = [output stringByAppendingFormat: @"%i\n", i]; } |
int i = i; for (; i> 0){ output = [output stringByAppendingFormat: @"%i\n", i]; } |
- do-while loop:
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