- Application Classes Example with Configuration Instruction XML file
- Compare with Constructor DI vs. Setter DI
- Bean definition examples for Constructor DI and Setter DI
- Bean definition examples for Setter DI with
- values
- static Factory Methods
- instance Factory Methods
- What is BeanFactory?
- What is application context?
- Create application context with multiple files
- Bootstrapped in any environment
Spring quick start
- Spring manages the lifecycle of the applicaiton
- All beans are fully initialized before they are used ???
- Beans are always created in the right order
- Based on the dependencies
- [Nattily] with <order>
- Each bean is bound to a unique id
- The id reflects the service the bean provides to clients
- Spring encapsulates (~includes outside cannot see the details inside) the bean implementations chosen for a given application deployment.
- Conceals(~hide) implementation details
Writing bean definitions
- [Nattily] Write a bean configuration xml file can convert into Java code with unique bean id.
- <bean> element
- The root of the .xml file
- The root element of any Spring configuration file
- <bean> element
- Tells the Spring container about the class and how it should be configured.
- id attribute
- takes the unique id
- class attribute
- specifies the bean's fully qualified class name
- e.g. <bean id='glt0001' class ="com.hsbc.beans.SimpleBean">
- <property> element
- Tells the Spring container to call setName(), setStaffId() while setting the "name" and "staffId" property.
- <value> element
- Defines the value of "name" and "staffId" as "xyz" and "10551328"
- The container instantiates the 'SimpleBean' based on the XML definition as:
- Result:
- SimpleBean glt001 = new SimpleBean();
- glt001.setName("xyz");
- glt001.setStaffId("10551328");
Types of Dependency Injection shown in coding
As discussed in last chapter, there are 2 types of Dependency Injection.
(1) Constructor Dependency Injection
- Enforce mandatory dependencies
- Promote immutability (cannot be changed forever)
- Concise(~clear and simple) for programmatic usage
- Have descriptive names
- Follow JavaBean conventions
- Inherited automatically
When to Use Constructors DI vs Setter DI?
Spring supports both
You can mix and match
General Recommendations
- Follow standard Java Design guidelines
- Use constructors to set required properties
- Use setters for optional or those was default values
- You may find some classes are designed for a particular injection strategy
- Be consistent above all
Combining Constructor and Setter Dependency Injection
Injecting Scalar Values
Automatic Value Type Conversion
Calling Static Factory Methods
Q: A class can have both constructor and static method at the same time?
Calling Instance Factory Methods
Creating an application context
- Spring application contexts can be bootstrapped in any environment, including
- JUnit system test
- Web application
- Enterprise Java Bean (EJB)
- Standalone application
- Loadable with bean definitions from files:
- In the class path
- On the local file system
- At an environment-relative resource path
- [Nattily] 2 most fundamental packages:
- org.springframework.beans packages
- org.springframework.context packages
- [Nattily] The ApplicationContext builds on top of the BeanFactory(it's a subclass).
- [Nattily] The BeanFactory provides the configuration framework and basic functionality, while ApplicationContext added enhanced capabilities to it, some of them perhaps more J2EE and enterprise centric.
[Nattily] What is BeanFactory? [link]
- The BeanFactory is the actual container which instantiates, configures, and manages a number of beans.
- A BeanFactory is represented by the interface org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory, for which there are multiple implementations.
- the BeanFactory does have to be instantiated somehow.
Resource res = new FileSystemResource("beans.xml"); XmlBeanFactory factory = new XmlBeanFactory(res);
[Nattily] What is Application Context? [link]
- ApplicationContext提供取得資源檔案更方便的方法。
- ApplicationContext提供文字訊息解析的方法,並支援國際化(Internationalization, I18N)訊息。
- ApplicationContext可以發佈事件,對事件感興趣的Bean可以接收到這些事件。
Create a Spring Application Context from Multiple Files
- A context can be configured from multiple files
- Allows partitioning of bean definitions into logical groups
- Generally a best practice to separate out "application" beans from "infrastructure" beans
- Infrastructure often changes between environments
- Evolves (逐漸演變) at a different rate
Bootstrapping in Each Environment
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