- Available HandlerMapping Strategories
- Chaining HandlerMappings
- Handler Method Mapping Techniques
- Resolving Handler Exceptions
- Attaching Handle Interceptors
- Available Handler Mapping Strategies
- BeanNameUrlHandlerMapping
- SimpleUrlHandlerMapping
- Single component that has all of our mapping explicitly declared
- Mapping table to map all mapping cases.
- Controller-ClassNameHandlerMapping
- You can also define your own
- Chaining HandlerMappings
- Multiple HandlerMapping strategies can be configured
- For example, Simple, ControllerClass, BeanName
- The DispatcherServlet will iterate (~iterate: looping to run) through them until a handler is found for the request
- The iteration order can be configured
- Handler Method Mapping Technique
- Best practice often makes a single handler responsible for several related actions.
- Especially for create-read-update-delete(CRUD) action
- For example
- A RewardController might create, show, update, and delete rewards.
- Such multi-action handlers are typically mapped using wildcards
- /reward/* or /reward/**
- A common URL form is ${handler}/${action} like
- /reward/new
- /reward/show
- /reward/update
- /reward/delete
- The handler typically maps the requested ${action} to a method on itself
- Multi Action Handlers with Spring MVC
- To implement a multi-action handler in Spring MVC
- Subclass MultiActionController
- Configure the action method mapping strategy if desired
- Implement your action methods
- Register the Controller with the DispatcherServlet
MultiActionController is a standard MVC controller, and the RewardController is a subclass which extends the superclass MultiActionController
All of these methods are exactly the same as what you think inside of them, and they serve a certain set of URLs
- MethodNameResolver Strategies
- InternalPathMethodNameResolver(default)
- As shown in previous example
- Also provides configurable prefix and suffix
- ParameterMethodNameResolver
- Resolves parameter value (or name) to method
- PropertiesMethodNameResolver
- Allows for externalized mappings
- Supports wildcards
- or implement your own custom strategy
- Custom Action Method Mapping Example
- Suppose the following action method mappings are desired
- GET /controller/new --> newForm
- POST / controller/new -->create
- GET / contorller/show/{id} --> show
- To apply custom method mappings, configure a custom MethodNameResolver on your MultiActionController
- Resolving Handler Exceptions
- By default exceptions thrown by handlers propagate
- The user will see a stack trace in their browser
- Resolve exceptions to error views by registering a HandlerExceptonResolver with the DispatchServlet
- Attaching Handler Interceptors
- Specific groups of handlers can have their execution intercepted
- Allows for applying pre and post-processing aspects
- Especially useful for
- Authorization checks
- Centralized handling of application exceptions
- Factoring out common handler code
- Implementing a HandlerInterceptor
- Implement the HandlerInterceptor interface
- Consider extending from HandlerInteceptorAdapter and overriding the callbacks you need
- Register your interceptor with the HandlerMapping for the handlers you wish to intercept
- HandlerInterceptor vs. Filters
- Both are "interceptors"
- Handler Interceptors are finer-grained
- Filters intercept Servlets
- Handler Interceptors are best suited for factoring out common handler code
- Filters are best suited for more general processing
- Handler Interceptors are managed by Spring
- Filters are managed by the Servlet container
- DelegatingFilterProxy
- DelegatingFilterProxy is a Servlet Filter which delegates to a Filter managed by Spring
- Allows a Filter to benefit from dependency injection
- How to use
- Define the "real" Filter as a Spring bean
- Define Spring's DelegatingFilterProxy in web.xml
- Have it reference your Filter bean by its name
- Summary
- Spring MVC supports several ways to map requests to Handlers
- Bean Name, Explicit (Simple), Convention-based
- Use MultiActionController to have a single handler centralize several related actions
- An AccountController to create, edit, delete and sow accounts
- Use a HandlerExceptionResolver to map application exceptions to error views
- Use HandlerInterceptors and Filters to intercept request processing and factor out common handler code
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